Andrea Carlo

Veramente sottilissimi, quasi come lenti a contatto.\r\nDifficile da indossare ma non impossibile, un po\' stretto ma dipende dai gusti. Comunque un prodotto valido, non è giustificato il prezzo così alto perché la sensazione di non indossare nulla è simile ad altri preservativi tipo Akuel nudo, skyn elite, ESP Air Thin Supreme feel o altri. È consigliabile acquistare la variante meno costosa ma altrettanto valida con spessore 0.02.


These are easily the best-feeling condoms I\'ve ever used, and my partner would agree here. They really do enhance sensation for both parties, not quite the same as bareback certainly but the difference between these and thin latex condoms (e.g. Durex Thin Feels) in terms of heat and texture transfer really is night and day. They also don\'t have that strong and acerbic stench of latex and cheap lube that many other condoms have. Unfortunately, at £3 a go they\'re triple the price of Thin Feels while not really being three times better, and the sizing is far too small for European men. I\'m slightly above average in terms of length and girth and these just barely fit - it\'s not possible to fully unroll them, leaving at least a couple of inches uncovered at the base, for example. It\'s a shame because I\'d love to make these my normal condom, as it stands the large price and the small sizing make them not quite suitable for regular use. Definitely worth a try though!


Sottili, son sono davvero piccoli per le “dimensioni caucasiche”.magari meglio indossarli prima del rapporto , perché quando si è già a buon punto, risulta impossibili indossarli


Too small for my slightly above average boyfriend. They just kept popping off again. They are super thin though and I imagine would feel amazing if they fit!


Das reicht wohl nur für Mini geschlechts teile aus\r\n